Meet Dawn, Activities Coordinator at Longley Park View
Knowing that you’ve made a difference when you go home at the end of the day is the best part of the job for Activities Coordinator, Dawn.

Activities Coordinator, Dawn, stood outside smiling at the camera

After 18 years working in a primary school, I was ready for a change

I joined Longley Park View as their Activities Coordinator with no prior experience within care.

I can honestly say, I’ve never looked back. I love it.

I plan all the activities for the home, both one-to-one and group activities.

We do lots of different things.

We like gardening, arts and crafts, puzzles and board games – anything that’s fun and engaging.

The best part of my role is how rewarding it is. Seeing the happy faces of everyone in the home really makes my day.

I go home every night and know I’ve done a good job today. It’s the best feeling in the world!

I’ve also trained to become a Mental Health First Aider, which is something I’m really proud of.

In this role, people come to me and I do my best to signpost them to the right support.

To anyone applying for an activities role at Longley Park View, I’d say go for it!

Coming here was the best choice I ever made.